The EPC team has extensive experience and expertise in the area of the Clean Water Act State Revolving Fund (SRF) program and the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Starting in 2014, EPC’s Project Management Professionals began to practice their advanced organizational skills to develop agency-wide grants and loans program for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Our staff trained and leveraged the talents and attention across the multi-disciplined SFPUC Infrastructure organization including: program managers and engineers, specialists for environmental review, construction contracting, job training, external outreach and communication, and financial and debt management. By the end of 2019, EPC staff spearheaded the capture of over $1B in low-interest financing for water and wastewater infrastructure projects, saving the San Francisco ratepayers over $400 million. Our staff’s approach to building partnerships and mutually beneficial proposals is another reason for this spectacular achievement.
We provide:
Business process mapping and improvements
Support attainment of grants and other low-interest financing such as SRF or WIFIA loans
Organize teams and leverage talents to produce specific defined projects or programs.
For more information regarding EPC’s achievements in this area, please click on the articles below.
EPA PISCES Award Program:
SFPUC Media:
SEP BDFP WIFIA Media - Treatment Plant:
SFPUC one of 38 utilities/cities being identified as loan-worthy for the 2019 WIFIA program:
SEP New Headworks, selected WIFIA Letter of Interest: