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United States Postal Service - Oakland

In their Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010, the United States Postal Service (USPS) defined its four primary strategic goals: generate revenue, reduce costs, engage employees, and improve service. The plan commits to continue taking $1 billion out of its cost base each year through 2010 while employing equally aggressive measures to grow the business. As part of the cost reduction goal, flats sequencing technology will be implemented to automatically arrange flats in the order of delivery for carriers, greatly reducing remaining manual mail sorting costs.

The USPS Oakland processing and distribution center is a 1.2 million square-foot facility with a continuous 24/7 mail processing operation.  The Postal Service desired to upgrade the original 1960’s era electrical switchgear without impacting the critical mail processing operations in the building. Construction required close coordination with Postal Service operations. The project scope included the following.

  • Selective demolition

  • Construction of a new structural steel-supported second floor mezzanine

  • Installation of two double-ended unit substations

  • Running new 15 KV conduits and cables to connect to the existing metering switchgear in the basement

  • Installation of bus ducts from the four new substations to four new 480V switchboard panels

  • Installation of emergency generator tap boxes

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